Life isn’t meant to be lived alone. Life Groups at #GHOW help you to connect with others, find true freedom and strengthen your journey and relationship with God. A Life Group is a small group of people who gather each week in various locations- in person or online to connect relationally and grow spiritually.
Leading a Life Group isn’t about being perfect; it’s about serving others by giving them a place to connect. Leading a group is simple—choose a topic/curriculum that interests you and choose a time + location to meet with others to share it. We give you essential tools to make your Life Group successful through Leader Training and a directory where you can register your group so others can find it easily. We believe people’s lives are changed one semester at a time by moving one step toward Christ, and as a Life Group Leader, you get to play an important role in that process.
Do you have an idea for a life group you’d like to lead? We make it easy for you to get trained and equipped with all you need to be a successful life group leader. Bible Studies, Crafts and Hobbies, Recreation, Marriage, Finance, Family, Youth, Devotionals and so much more. Click Here to check out a list of curriculums that have been approved for Life Groups to get you inspired!
lead a group you'd love to join
Find a Place
Life Groups should take place in a low distraction atmosphere. It is our goal to create a clean and safe space that invites uninterrupted conversation, and is consistent throughout each semester. Life Groups also take place all around town through hobby, recreational, mall walking, park gathering and so much more. Please feel free to contact us about your place or idea if you have any questions.
Get Trained
Don't worry, we will train you and also provide you with a Life Group Coach that will be there every step of the way to seeing your group through to success. The greatest feeling in the world is knowing God used you to change someone's life forever, this is continually the testimony of every Life Group leader. Take your next step and get life group leader trained!
LEAD a Group
It is time to find, recruit and invite people to your group. Whether they attend Generations or not, life groups are for everyone! Your life is your group. God wants to use your life, to change someone else's life. That is what makes Life Groups and your willingness to say YES to the call so special.