We believe that God’s Word changes lives and has the power to bring total recovery to even the most hopeless situations. Whether you’re experiencing a need of prayer, or looking to grow spiritually, we want to help unpack Gods Truth over your life. Our desire is to encourage and equip you with the Word of God. While we do not offer counseling at Generations, we do have a team ready to help you in your next step and to help apply Gods Word to your specific situation, allowing you to experience total recovery, to take your next step as a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ.
If you are unsure of your next step, contact our Ministerial Care Team to start the Spiritual Guidance process. The Coordinator will ask you a few preliminary questions for us to better serve you. If you are recommended for a meeting you will meet with one of our caring and compassionate team members. This team, although not professional counselors are biblically trained to help bring God’s truth, hope, and healing to whatever situation you are facing.
The power of prayer, coupled with the Word of God, can minister and bring hope and healing to any situation. Whether you’ve recently been hospitalized, experienced a loss, given birth, or if you’re in need of prayer over a job interview—we want to lift you up and agree in prayer with you. Reach out and request prayer today.
At Generations, care is ministered best through life group relationships. Every life group is an opportunity for people with similar interests to connect regularly and to share life together as they grow in their faith. Groups meet in a variety of locations around the community and are either activity- or curriculum-based. Find your healing and start to grow in a life group today!